Alexandra Levick is a senior literary agent at Writers House, LLC. developing her picture book, middle grade, young adult, and adult lists.

Alexandra Levick is a senior literary agent at Writers House, LLC. developing her picture book, middle grade, young adult, and adult lists.
Abhi is the illustrator of the picture books HAMSTERS MAKE TERRIBLE ROOMMATES (Dial), SUMMER IS FOR COUSINS (Abrams), DON’T BLOW YOUR TOP (Scholastic, 2023), and the graphic novel SUPER PANCAKE (Knopf, 2023).
Giselle is the author of the forthcoming picture book, SMALL-GIRL TONI AND THE QUEST FOR GOLD (Viking BFYR, 2023).
Monica is the author/illustrator of the picture books ARE YOU A CHEESEBURGER? and MR.S. (Katherine Tegen Books), and is the illustrator for THE LAST SLICE written by Melissa Seron Richardson (Little Brown).
Darian is the author of the forthcoming adult speculative novel, CHATTER.
Ashley is the author of the adult speculative novels, EVERY BONE A PRAYER and WHERE I CAN’T FOLLOW (Sourcebooks).
B.G. is the author of the forthcoming grounded young adult fantasy, OVERGROWN.
Meridth is the illustrator of the forthcoming picture book, DOOR BY DOOR written by Meeg Pincus (Knopf).
Sarah is the illustrator of MARIBEL’S YEAR written by Michelle Sterling (Katherine Tegen Books) and THE ONLY WAY TO MAKE BREAD (Tundra).
Brittany is the author of the forthcoming adult gift book, TURN TO THE SUN.
Elle is the author of the forthcoming contemporary young adult rom-com, BOTTLE BLONDE.
Kate is the author of the young adult novel, AFTER THE FALL (FSG).
Oscar is the author of the adult novel, CALLING FOR A BLANKET DANCE (Algonquin).
Kat is the author of A SLEIGHT OF SHADOWS (S&S) and BOOKS OF MAGIC VOLUME ONE: MOVEABLE TYPE (DC Comics) among many other titles.
Julie is the illustrator of the picture book TOFU TAKES TIME written by Helen H. Wu (Beaming Books).
Zoulfa is the author of the forthcoming speculative-leaning young adult novel, AS LONG AS THE LEMON TREES GROW (Little, Brown).
Elizabeth is the author of the young adult novel, REBEL GIRLS (Inkyard Press).
Kody is the author of POISON IVY: Thorns (DC Comics) and LILA & HADLEY (Scholastic) among many other titles.
Susan is the author-photographer of BEYOND MAGENTA (Candlewick) among many other titles.
Sarah is the author/illustrator of the picture books, LONE WOLF, ORIGINAL CAT, COPY CAT, ELEPHANT’S BIG SOLO, and SNAKE’S BIG MISTAKE (Greenwillow). Sarah is represented by Alexandra Levick and Rebecca Sherman.
Steph is the author/illustrator of the forthcoming picture book, THE ABOMINABLE SNOW DANCER (Penguin Workshop).
Roseanne is the illustrator of numerous picture books including THE OLD WOMAN AND HER PIG among many other titles.
Lauren is the author of the forthcoming MYTHICS series (Katherine Tegen Books) and the CASE CLOSED series among many other titles.
Lorraine is the illustrator of WEI SKATES ON (Katherine Tegen Books), the Play with Me board book series (Penguin Workshop), YOUR HOUSE IS NOT JUST A HOUSE (Clarion), and LOOK UP WITH ME written by Jennifer Berne (Katherine Tegen Books).
Eloise is the author-illustrator of the picture book, NO ROOM FOR BIRDS.
Shannon is the author of the forthcoming adult fairytale retelling, MIRROR BREAKER.
Sonora is the National Book Award Finalist and bestselling author of the contemporary young adult novel, THE LESBIANA’S GUIDE TO CATHOLIC SCHOOL and THE LUIS ORTEGA SURVIVAL CLUB (Balzer+Bray).
Cameron is the author of the young adult novels, THE STEPPING OFF PLACE and THE SHARP EDGE OF SILENCE (Quill Tree).
Mariko is the author of the contemporary young adult novel, THE OTHER SIDE OF PERFECT (Little, Brown/Poppy).
Brittany is the author of the young adult historical fantasy trilogy, The Forge & Fracture Saga: THAT SELF SAME METAL (Abrams).
Matt Williams is an author/illustrator who is working on his debut picture book.
H.R. Warren is the author of the forthcoming young adult sci-fi, LONG WALK AFTER THE FALL.
Stephanie is the author of the forthcoming middle grade speculative novel, WEST OF THE SEA (Viking BFYR).
Nic is the author/illustrator of the picture books, PATCH OF SKY and OUT OF THE BLUE (Dial).